
Barad-dûr (Sindarin "Dark Tower") is the fortress of Sauron in the heart of the black land of Mordor and close to Mount Doom in the fantasy world of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. The Eye of Sauron kept watch over Middle-earth from its highest tower. Source: Wikipedia.

I prepared this MOC for the Micropolis contest of Nortebrick 2013, on a micropolis standard base, but I kept it hidden afterwards as a surprise for the Lord of the Rings diorama of Catbrick 2013 (only the diorama coordinator knew that it was going to be there). Besides the base, I also changed the Eye of Sauron. It is 30 cm. / 12 inch tall.


Another view from a lower perspective:


The Eye:


And the seedy montage: